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Interviewer: Why you think, you are bad in Fighting Games like Tekken or Mortal Combat?

Me: Because the enemy beat the sh.. out of me.

Interviever: Why do you think that you are bad in BrokenPanty?

Me: Thats a thing only between me and my Psychodoc...

XXD Funny Game with rude characters.

But maybe there is a bug on the clothing damage sytem:

All characters can fight until they are completley nude, but the stockings/socks that caroline wears are still immortal/undestructable since a few versions.

XD, Thanks for reporting the bug.

I just fixed it.


Hiya, I've really enjoyed what I've played so far and the new clothing system is looking great.  I was thinking, since male characters are getting introduced, any chance we can see a diverse range of em?  Maybe some black and Asian versions?

Yes, the idea is to have diverse characters, although at the moment I am not creating characters

Version 0.6 is a complete mess.  Controls make no sense, the instructions tell you to use the wrong keys, the card system doesn't work properly.  There are too many bugs to mention.  I like the 0.4.8 version, this can be a great game, but you need to fix so much stuff before you add anything new.  Please listen to your fans.

(1 edit) (+2)

Wow everything got changed (I last played 2023 and that version is still like the best Hgame i ever played). Now the winning seems so random. The CPU did all the Hmoves to the player1 and then got defeated. feels broken cuz the one who seems to do more Hmoves somehow looses most of the time. It keeps getting defeated like that without letting the player try out couple of Hmoves(couldn't get the old buttplug animation... is it still in the game? it was one of the best thing of the game). The CPU keeps using the same Hmove it would be great if the stripping system (pulling clothes back on) was back to how it was and moves like writing in the face, butt plugging were performed early by the CPU as soon as the player got striped and then all the other moves starts randomly happening again and again. 

In short:

this version has bugs which makes the looser win

 .. loved how it allowed the clothes to be pulled down and pull back on (v4.8) ..

Some moves gets repeated a lot by the CPU

game ends before player can get enough points to do couple of Hmoves.

Extras: Victory pose, victory pose card selection, more flexible camera movement.

Big fan of 4.8 It might be the best Hgame there is.


I agree with this. If you take ver 4.8 and add a few more characters and h- moves, that's a $15 game, easily.  

(1 edit)

QTE's randomly show keyboard buttons even when both players use the controller, can you add maybe add setting to pick if you want to use keyboard or controller 1/2? 

Also shows the keyboard buttons for cards/abilites at the bottom of the screen.


nice update, but you should make a model viewer/ anim viewer in the future, thanks for the update

A similar feature is planned but will take a while to become available.

When does a game end? As far as I can tell it just goes on resetting the hp bar forever

This is due to a bug that has been fixed for the next version. In a week we will publish this version.

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im having trouble getting the game to open when i download the game, im using breezip to open the file 

Use 7zip or winrar to extract the file.

7zip link:h https//

nice update, favorite nsfw game for sure

thank you.

Any chance this game gets futanari content?


On Patreon I published a concept of what a "futa" character would be in the game but at the moment it won't arrive yet.

On the other hand, I will soon integrate the sexual movement of harnesses with dildos.


It's good, the game has interesting mechanics, you're on the right track with the game in my opinion.


when is the new update?

I'm trying to finish the update in less than a month.

AMAZING SF GAME!!!! Can't wait for the H moves. Also, the special grabs are a nice extra!!


I like the futa idea you posted on patreon. You can have a lot of fun with this option, and more variety in h content. Forced bj and forced facesitting would be awesome.


Thanks, I'm already working on more sexual content for the next version.


У тебя запускаеться игра? у меня она не может извлечься даже в BreeZip виндус 10 про бесконечная загрузка

Yes, no problems here. I use 7z to extract. I am running windows 10 also.


It would be really neat if you had a text config file for easily tunable parameters (as settings UI might be annoying to create). Things like pin threshold, damage per stun, special generation, clothing break chance, or whatever else could be really fun to play with to find combinations that create the perfect experience.

Totally understand why you wouldn't want to provide that much control tho.

It seems somewhat complicated, I'll see if I can do it later but it's not sure. :(

By the way, let me know if you're interested in me creating a thread here specifically for opinions and discussions about the mechanics and operation of the game.

Game is awesome! Some comments:

- Can you cap FPS? My GPU sounds like a jet engine.

- Getting out of the pin is incredibly difficult

- I often lose without even getting stripped (not very fun)

- Would be neat to have a sex animation isntead of a pin that fills some arousal meter or whatever. Arousal fills faster the more toys or whatever you have had done to you.

I'd be down to mess around with development if you ever need help. Lmk.

Good luck!


-I thought that I had already limited the fps in previous versions but now I see that I didn't.

-Pinfalls are harder depending on how much damage you've been dealt, I'll adjust that to make it easier.

-I also think that the rival should take more clothes from the player.

-Pinfall will always be the means to defeat you, the arousal element has not been integrated into the mechanic yet, it will fill up depending on actions, sex items and some character taunts. the arousal level will determine what actions you can take after defeating the opponent.

-With your opinion and problem reports you are already helping

So I used Nvidia Control Panel to lower the frame rate, and then escaping a pin became MUCHHH easier. So I think your click rate for the pin mechanic is somehow reliant on frame rate.

I had not noticed that, I have to do tests to verify. Thanks for the report. by chance the general difficulty was not affected by the fps too

I didn't notice the general difficulty change


Bug I've noticed! Whenever I press the button to start a round, I get a short loading screen, the health bars show up, and I can play the game, BUT, the loading screen obstructs everything, excluding aforementioned health bars, and the "ready?" graphic

judging from the images on the itch page, I bet the game's amazing when it runs well!

Send me a screenshot if you can. Also check the Save folder inside the game folder and let me know if you see the "Game.dat" file.

(1 edit) (+1)

a few more comments:

Robot always wins her submission grab, which is likely a bug.

It would be nice to have more sex moves and let them last until the player in control clicks to continue. Also, the characters faces should be visible during these moves.

The special move is nice but seems out of place. It would be better as a post victory move or at least reserve for a stunned opponent.

Submission should be available only when the opponent is stunned.

- The more damage you generate, the more advantages in submission you will have, I would have to test if the robot has any errors.

-I am still thinking about the distribution of sexual actions, especially so that it is not uncomfortable on the keyboard and gives dynamism, at least I think there should be two fans, one for sexual actions (masturbating, kissing, licking) and another would be sexual objects (plug, vibrator, marker) and other actions (but they are a surprise :)).

- Maintaining a specific angle in the camera allows me to lighten my work in the animations, but I could make the camera you can manipulate a bit to see more angles, of course this would be in a static animation. An icon would appear warning you that you can do a kind of pause, so you can see the pose for as long as you want.

- I placed the special movement so they could see and comment. The truth is that I did not have much intention of showing it because it cost me more work than I thought and it is not profitable. This will be replaced by another schematic, for the better ;), just like the ending.

-I'll plan how to manage the submission because I don't want to saturate the stun.


sounds good!


Would also be nice to have more in-fight sexual actions, especially with graps. For example, forced groping or fingering  or facesitting.


The game will have all that, but I have to organize myself to know what would be the actions that all the characters would perform and what are the unique movements.

Could someone tell me if when configuring the game without physics the character zephia has physics in her hair or skirt?

She does.


Great game - thanks.  How do i change the player 2 character if all i have is a laptop keyboard without a numpad? 

Keep it up!

Can't map keys at this time, only default keyboard and controllers, although I haven't added this to the priority list I plan to add it later.

But... I think I could add a temporary setting for version 0.4.3, it will be a default profile that you could choose. If you want, send me the keyboard layout that you feel comfortable with Example:

P1 =[A,S,W,D (Move) J,K(Strikes) E(Grap) Q(Turn) C(Block)]

Deleted 1 year ago

Actually, i figured it out. Thx

So... how exactly do i run this game?

When i open the downloaded file, it only gives me the option to run it through notepad and windows media. Media doesnt work and notepad only shows a programming script i cant interact with

It is a compressed file, you just have to right click and extract, then enter the broken folder and open the "Broken.exe" file.

let me know if it works for you.

hmmm then it appears that the link to download on this game page doesn't download the whole thing, at least for me. When I download I'm not getting a compressed file, just a singular 7z file titled Broken_0.4.2.7z. There's no option to extract and i don't see an exe file anywhere

The file is compressed with 7-zip so it has the .7z extension, winrar should unzip it, if not, you can download the 7-zip compressor and unzip the file.

Here is the link if you want to download it.

let me know if it works for you.

Sorry for late reply, whenever i attempt to run it through 7-zip i keep getting an error message saying that UnityPlayer.dll was not found, even though it shows up. I have tried reinstalling the program several times on different versions and still get the same problem.

I apologize for being that guy who keeps bringing up issues, but the game looks promising and i do want to play it :)

It's ok no problem.

That error occurs if you try to open the game compressed with 7zip. First you need to extract it, right click and follow the instructions:

Then run the game from the folder that was created, let me know if it works for you.

The game is crashing :(

I played the previous version of the game, everything worked. Now when I start the game, the graphics selection screen appears. When I press the "play" button, the character selection screen appears and the game immediately crashes

Hi, I did tests on another pc and found the same problem, I'll try to upload a repaired version in a few hours. Thanks for reporting the bug.Hi, I did tests on another pc and found the same problem, I'll try to upload a repaired version in a few hours. Thanks for reporting the bug.

Thank you! When will the revised version be available for download?

I'll let you know in a few hours, I'm creating a graphic configuration menu and I don't know how long it will take.


I am waiting)


Amazing game,  but need defeated sexual scenarios,please!

Thanks for the comment, the sexual animations will be made for versions 0.4.1 or 0.4.2. Version 0.4.0 will be ready soon, it will have new actions and a gameplay change that I hope you like :).


i think being able to customize the controls would be helpful.

Ok, thanks for your comment, I'll add it to my roadmap for 0.4x versions.


Can you make an Android version available please?

I'm sorry, I don't think I'm going to make a version for android.



Thanks, I'll try to improve the next version.

By the way, how does it move in low quality on your PC?

It seems slow, I will try to improve the performance in the next version.


Agree with the potential. X-box controller works though only the B key seems to produce a blow. On my Ryzen 5 5560U with Radeon Graphics  2.30 GHz there is a lot of motion blur. Looks promising, thank you.

thanks for the comment.

The "B" key executes a grab or a punch?.


I can definitely see the potential here, excited to see where this goes!
It already has more to keep me interested than most of the other basic 'sexy' fighting games despite (for good reason) being rough around the edges right now. 

I hope you continue to build upon this interesting concept, and while I doubt I could honestly offer much in the way of help, I'd be willing to help any way that I can if you'd like ^^


Although it may not seem like it, your comment helps me a lot, I'm glad to know that you like the project. Testing the versions that I upload and notifying me of not so common errors would be enough.

Soon I will upload version 0.2 with a new character and fixes ;).

not work think need fix

Can you tell me what is the problem? :)

close alone  .

Tell me about your pc?



Graphic card:


Describe the problem:

It does not open?

Opens a black screen and closes?